Bibliography on Texas Women's History
Note: The following is meant to serve as a guide, not a comprehensive list. Many thanks to Rebecca Sharpless, Ph.D., Texas Christian University Department of History.

- African American Women
- American Indian Women
- Arts, Education, Fashion, Literature, Organizations, Religion, Sports, War
- Bibliographies, Historiographies, Archival Collections
- Collective Biographies, Essay Collections, Overviews
- European American Women
- Frontier
- Gender Identity, Images, Relationships
- Labor, Work
- Politics, Reform, Law, Women's Rights
- Ranch, Rural
- Tejanas
- Urban
African American Women
- Ashbaugh, Carolyn. Lucy Parsons: American Revolutionary. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr Publishing Co., 1976.
- Barnes, Lorene T. "A Comparison/Contrast of Two Black Women in Politics: Shirley Chisholm and Barbara Jordan." M.A. thesis, Governors State University, 1979.
- Baum, Dale. Counterfeit Justice: The Judicial Odyssey of Texas Freedwoman Azeline Hearne. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2009.
- Blackwelder, Julia. Styling Jim Crow: African American Beauty Training During Segregation. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2003.
- Brewer, John Mason. Aunt Dicy Tales. Austin: n.p., 1956.
- Bryant, Ira B. Barbara Charline Jordan: From the Ghetto to the Capitol. Houston: D. Armstrong Co., 1977.
- Burrow, Rachel N. "Juanita Craft." M.A. thesis, Southern Methodist University, 1994.
- _____. "Juanita Craft: Desegregating the State Fair of Texas," Legacies: A History Journal for Dallas and North Central Texas (2005).
- Butler, Anne M. "Building Justice: Mother Margaret Murphy, Race, and Texas," Catholic Southwest (2002).
- Byrd, Richard. "Interracial Cooperation in a Decade of Conflict: The Denton (Texas) Christian Women's Inter-Racial Fellowship," The Oral History Review (Spring-Autumn, 1991).
- Crawford, Audrey. "To Protect, to Feed, and to Give Momentum to Every Effort: African American Clubwomen in Houston, 1880-1910." Houston Review of History and Culture (2003).
- Curtin, Mary Ellen. "Barbara Jordan: The Politics of Insertion and Accommodation," Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (Winter, 2004).
- _____. "Reaching for Power: Barbara C. Jordan and Liberals in the Texas Legislature, 1966-1972," Southwestern Historical Quarterly (October, 2004).
- Gillam, Stephanie Lee. "Mama, Activist, and Friend: African American Women in the Civil Rights Movement in Dallas, Texas." M.A. thesis, Texas Christian University, 1995.
- Glasrud, Bruce A. and Merline Pitre, eds. Black Women in Texas History. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2008.
- ______ and Gregg Andrews. "Confronting White Supremacy: The African American Left in Texas, 1874-1974." In David O'Donald Cullen and Kyle G. Wilkison, eds. The Texas Left: the Radical Roots of Lone Star Liberalism. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2010.
- Gooch, Jane P. "Barbara C. Jordan: Her First Forty Years: A Rhetorical Analysis." M.A. thesis, Baylor University, 1977.
- Gould, Lewis L. and Melissa R. Sneed. "Without Pride or Apology: The University of Texas at Austin, Racial Integration, and the Barbara Smith Case," Southwestern Historical Quarterly (July, 1999).
- Hearon, Shelby and Barbara Jordan. Barbara Jordan: A Self-Portrait. New York: Doubleday, 1979.
- Howard, Vicki. "The Courtship Letters of an African American Couple: Race, Gender, Class, and the Cult of True Womanhood," Southwestern Historical Quarterly (July, 1996).
- Johnson, Linda Carlson. Barbara Jordan: Congresswoman. New York: Blackbirch Press, 1990.
- Jones, Jacqueline. Goddess of Anarchy: The Life and Times of Lucy Parsons, American Radical. New York: Basic Books, 2017.
- Kossie-Chernyshev, Karen. "To Leave or Not to Leave? The 'Boomerang Migration' of Lillian Bertha Jones Horace (1880-1965), Texas's Earliest Known Black Woman Novelist, Diarist and Publisher," Black Women, Gender + Families (Fall, 2010).
- ______, ed. Recovering "Five Generations Hence": The Life and Writing of Lillian Jones Horace. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2013.
- Linsley, Judith W. "Main House, Carriage House: African American Domestic Employees at the McFaddin-Ward House in Beaumont, Texas, 1900-1950," Southwestern Historical Quarterly (July, 1999).
- Myers, Lois E. "'Like Water to the Body': Women and the African American Rural Church," Sound Historian (2007).
- Pitre, Merline. In Struggle Against Jim Crow: Lulu B. White and the NAACP, 1900-1957. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1999.
- ______. "Texas and the Master Civil Rights Narrative: A Case Study of Black Females in Houston,"Southwestern Historical Quarterly (October, 2012).
- Pratt, Susan. "We Are Here: Activism among Black El Paso Women (1955-1965)." M.A. thesis, University of Texas at El Paso, 2001.
- Reid, Debra, Reaping a Greater Harvest: African Americans, the Extension Service, and Rural Reform in Jim Crow Texas. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2007.
- Robinson, Dorothy. The Bell Rings at Four: A Black Teacher's Chronicle of Change. Austin: Madroño Press, 1978.
- Rogers, Mary Beth. Barbara Jordan: American Hero. Westminster, Maryland: Bantam, 1998.
- Simond, Ada de Blanc. "The Discovery of Being Black: A Recollection," Southwestern Historical Quarterly (April, 1973).
- Spurlin, Virginia. "The Conners of Waco: Black Professionals in Twentieth Century Texas." Ph.D. dissertation, Texas Tech University, 1991.
- Steele, June M. "Edward Struggs and Mae Simmons: Two African American Educators and the Provisions for Black Schools in Lubbock, Texas, 1930-1970," West Texas Historical Association Yearbook (2001).
- Tyler, Ronnie C. and Lawrence Murphy, eds. The Slave Narratives of Texas. Austin: Encino Press, 1974.
- Wilson, Anna Victoria and William E. Seagall. Oh! Do I Remember: Experiences of Teachers during the Desegregation of Austin's Schools, 1964-1971. Albany, New York: SUNY Press, 2001.
- Winegarten, Ruthe (with Annie Mae Hunt). I Am Annie Mae: An Extraordinary Black Texas Woman in Her Own Words. Austin: Rosegarden Press, 1983. Reprinted, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1996.
- ______. Black Texas Women: 150 Years of Trial and Triumph. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995.
- ______. Black Texas Women: A Sourcebook : Documents, Biographies, Timeline. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1996.
- ______ and Sharon Kahn. Brave Black Women: From Slavery to the Space Shuttle. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1997.
- ______ and Debbie Winegarten. Strong Family Ties: The Tiny Hawkins Story. Austin: SocioSights Press, 1998.
- ______ and Marc Sanders. The Lives & Times of Black Dallas Women. Austin: Eakin Press, 2002.
American Indian Women
- Barr, Juliana. "From Captives to Slaves: Commodifying Indian Women in the Borderlands." Journal of American History (June, 2005).
- ______. Peace Came in the Form of a Woman: Indians and Spaniards in the Texas Borderlands. University of North Carolina Press, 2007.
- Callahan, Sophia Alice. Wynema, A Child of the Forest. Chicago: H.J. Smith and Company, 1891. Reprinted, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1997.
Arts, Education, Fashion, Literature, Organizations, Religion, Sports, War
- Allen, Raye Virginia. "An Image-Maker from Texas: Gordon Conway and a New Look for a New Woman," Southwestern Historical Quarterly (July, 1997).
- Almon, Bert. This Stubborn Self: Texas Autobiographies. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, 2002.
- Bean, Christopher. "'We Want Aggies, Not Maggies': James Earl Rudder and the Coeducation of Texas A&M University," East Texas Historical Journal (2006).
- Bolsher, Colby. "'A Rare Combination of Advantages': Women and Higher Education at Add-Ran College, 1873-1910." M.A. thesis, Texas Christian University, 2010.
- Boswell, Angela. "The Meaning of Participation: White Protestant Women in Antebellum Houston Churches." Southwestern Historical Quarterly (July, 1995).
- ______. "The Civil War and the Lives of Texas Women." In Charles D. Grear, ed. The Fate of Texas: The Civil War and the Lone Star State. Little Rock: University of Arkansas Press, 2008.
- Brandimarte, Cynthia A. Inside Texas: Culture, Identity, and Houses, 1878-1920. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, 1991.
- Carr, Eve. "Missionaries and Motherhood: Sixty-six Years of Public Health Work in South El Paso." Ph.D. dissertation, Arizona State University, 2003.
- Christian, Stella L., ed. History of the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs. Houston: Dealy-Adley-Elgin, 1919.
- Cochrane, Michelle. "Educational Opportunities Available for Women in Antebellum Texas." M.A. thesis, University of North Texas, 2006.
- Cook, Charles. "A Narrative Herstory of Women's Studies at the University of North Texas." M.A. thesis, University of North Texas, 1999.
- Cook, Mary Potchernick. "Angelina's Rosies: Women at War in World War II East Texas." M.A. thesis, Stephen F. Austin State University, 1998.
- Cornelson, Kathleen. "Women Airforce Service Pilots of World War II: Military Aviation, Encountering Discrimination, and Exchanging Traditional Roles in Service to America," Journal of Women's History (2005).
- Flowers, Elizabeth H. Into the Pulpit: Southern Baptist Women and Power since World War II. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2012.
- Garza-Falcón, Leticia M. Gente Decente: A Borderlands Response to the Rhetoric of Dominance. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1998.
- Grider, Sylvia and Lou Halsell Rodenberger, eds. Texas Women Writers: A Tradition of Their Own. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1997.
- Gunning, Mother Patricia. To Texas with Love: A History of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament. Austin: Von Boeckmann-Jones, 1971.
- Harvey, Sandra D. "Working for Change: Wage-Earning Women in Waco, Texas Defense Industries during World War II." Ph.D. dissertation, Texas Tech University, 2009.
- Hegarty, Mary Loyola. Serving with Gladness: The Origin and History of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, Houston, Texas. Houston and Milwaukee: Bruce, 1967.
- Kaemmerling, Karen. "The Administration Training of WAACs at Stephen F. Austin State Teachers College." M.A. thesis, Stephen F. Austin State University, 1996.
- Kaylakie, Marcia. Texas Quilts and Quilters: A Lone Star Legacy. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 2007.
- Kitch, Sally. This Strange Society of Women: Reading the Letters and Lives of the Woman's Commonwealth. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1992.
- Knippa, Heidi Ann. "Salvation of a University: The Admission of Women to Texas A&M." M.A. thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1995.
- Kohout, Heather Catto, ed. by Martin Donell Kohout. The Shimmering Is All There is: On Nature, God, Science, and More. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2021.
- Laegreid, Renee. Riding Pretty: Rodeo Royalty in the American West. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2006.
- LaFleur, Monica. "They Ventured to Texas: The European Heritage of Women Religious in the Nineteenth Century." Catholic Southwest (1997).
- LeCompte, Mary Lou. Cowgirls of the Rodeo: Pioneer Professional Athletes. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000.
- ______. "Home on the Range: Women in Professional Rodeo, 1929-1947," Journal of Sport History (1990).
- Letson, Dawn. "Girl Pilots of Avenger Field: Sweetwater's Romance with the WASPs of World War II," Sound Historian (2009).
- McLemore, James. Texas Schoolgirl Basketball. Austin: University Interscholastic League, 1976.
- Merriman, Molly. Clipped Wings: The Rise and Fall of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs) of World War II. New York: New York University Press, 1997.
- Mills, Betty J. Calico Chronicle: Texas Women and Their Fashions, 1830-1910. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 1985.
- Pate, J'Nell. "Marjorie Rogers Morris and the Globe of the Great Southwest in Odessa, Texas,"
West Texas Historical Association Yearbook (1991). - Pollard, Clarice F. "WAACs in Texas during the Second World War," Southwestern Historical Quarterly (July 1989).
- Potter, Fannie C., ed. History of the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs, 1919-1938. Denton: W.H. McNitzky, 1941.
- Preston, Lewis. "The WASP Who Fell from the Sky," West Texas Historical Association Yearbook (2005).
- Rabalais, Gary. "Humble Women at War: The Case of Humble's Baytown Refiner, 1942-1945," Houston Review (2005).
- Ragsdale, Crystal Sasse. The Women of the Alamo. Austin: State House Press, 1994.
- Randall, Tanya Kraus. "Texas Ranch Women Remember World War II," Sound Historian (2009).
- Ritts, Kathleen Burke Durfee. “The Written and Visual Depiction of Women in the 1962–3, 1972, and 1978 State Approved Seventh Grade Texas History Textbooks and Teachers Guides.” M.A. thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1980.
- Rodenberger, Lou Halsell. "Presidential Address: Texas Women Writers and Their 'Usable Past'," West Texas Historical Association Yearbook (1996).
- ______, Laura Payne Butler and Jacqueline Kolosov, eds. Writing on the Wind: An Anthology of West Texas Women Writers. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 2005.
- Sloan, Susan Kay. "The Silent Films of the Woman Suffrage Movement, a Forgotten Dialogue." M.A. thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1979.
- Smith, Sharon. "Female Home Front Soldiers and their Food for Freedom Campaign during the Second World War." M.A. thesis, Texas Woman's University, 1996.
- Snapp, Harry F. "Pioneer Women in West Texas Skies: Women Air Force Service Pilots of World War II," West Texas Historical Association Yearbook (1994).
- Sokolow, Jayme A. and Mary Ann Lamanna. "Women and Utopia: The Women's Commonwealth of Belton, Texas," Southwestern Historical Quarterly (April, 1984).
- Steinfeldt, Cecilia. Early Texas Furniture and Decorative Arts. San Antonio: Trinity University Press, 1973.
- Turner, Elizabeth Hayes. Women, Culture and Community: Religion and Reform in Galveston, 1880-1920. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.
- Weigand, Cindy. Texas Women in World War II. Plano: Republic of Texas Press, 2003.
- Wiesepape, Betty. "The Manuscript Club of Wichita Falls: A Noteworthy Texas Literary Club," Southwestern Historical Quarterly (April, 1994).
- ______. Lone Star Chapters: The Story of Texas Literary Clubs. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2004.
- Wille, Pam. "The First in the Southwest: The Houston Young Women's Christian Association, 1907-1939." M.A. thesis, University of Houston at Clear Lake, 1995.
- _____. "'More than Classes in Swimming and Making Hats': The YWCA and Social Reform in Houston, Texas, 1907-1977." Ph.D. dissertation, Texas Tech University, 2004.
- Yabsley, Suzanne. Texas Quilts, Texas Women. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1984.
Bibliographies, Historiographies, Archival Collections
- Downs, Fane. “’Tryels and Trubbles’: Women in Early Nineteenth-Century Texas,” Southwestern Historical Quarterly (July 1986).
- Glasrud, Bruce, Light Cummins and Gary D. Wintz, eds. Discovering Texas History. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2014.
- Jones, Nancy Baker and Debbie Mauldin Cottrell, comps. Women and Texas History: An Archival Bibliography. Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1990.
- Snapp, Elizabeth and Harry F. Snapp. Read All about Her! Texas Women's History: A Working Bibliography. Denton: Texas Woman's University Press, 1995.
- Werner-Hough, Patricia. "A Historiography of the Women's Organizations in Galveston County, 1880-1920." M.A. thesis, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 2007.
- Winegarten, Ruthe, ed. Texas Women's History Project Bibliography. Austin: Texas Foundation for Women's Resources, 1980.
- ______. Finder's Guide to the Texas Women, A Celebration of History Exhibit Archives. Denton: Texas Woman's University Library, 1984.
Collective Biographies, Essay Collections, Overviews

- Abernethy, Francis Edward, ed. Legendary Ladies of Texas. Denton: University of North Texas Press, 1994.
- Beeman, Cynthia J. Women in Texas: They Made a Difference. Austin: Texas Historical Commission, 1989.
- Bennett, Michele. Twenty-Two Texas Women: Strong, Tough, and Independent. Austin: Eakin Press, 1996.
- Blevins, Don. From Angels to Hellcats: Legendary Texas Women, 1836-1880. Missoula: Mountain Press Publishing, 2001.
- Boswell, Angela. Women in Texas History. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2018.
- Brooks, Elizabeth. Prominent Women of Texas. Akron: Werner Co., 1896.
- Buenger, Walter L. and Robert A. Calvert, eds. Texas through Time: Evolving Interpretations. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1991.
- ______ and Arnoldo De León, eds. Beyond Texas through Time: Breaking Away from Past Interpretations. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2011.
- Butts, J. Lee. Texas Bad Girls: Hussies, Harlots, and Horse Thieves. Plano: Republic of Texas Press, 2001.
- Cantrell, Gregg and Elizabeth Hayes Turner, eds. Lone Star Pasts: Memory and History in Texas. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2007.
- Carrington, Evelyn M., ed. Women in Early Texas. Austin: Pemberton Press, 1975. Reprinted with an introduction by Debbie Mauldin Cottrell, Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1994.
- Cashion, Ty and Jesús de la Teja, eds. The Human Tradition in Texas. New York: Scholarly Resources, 2001.
- Comer, Suzanne, ed. Common Bonds: Stories by and about Modern Texas Women. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1990.
- Crawford, Ann Fears and Crystal Sasse Ragsdale. Women in Texas: Their Lives, Their Experiences, Their Accomplishments. Burnet, Texas: Eakin Press, 1982.
- ______. Texas Women: Frontier to Future. Austin: State House Press, 1998.
- Day, James M., et al., Women of Texas (Waco: Texian Press, 1972).
- Downs, Fane. "Texas Women: History at the Edges." In Walter L. Buenger and Robert A. Calvert, eds. Texas Through Time: Evolving Interpretations. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1991.
- Downs, Fane and Nancy Baker Jones, eds. Women and Texas History: Selected Essays. Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1993.
- Enstam, Elizabeth. "They Called It 'Motherhood': Dallas Women and Public Life, 1895-1918." In Virginia Bernhard et al., eds. Hidden Histories of Women in the New South. Columbia, Mo.: University of Missouri Press, 1994.
- Ferrell, Mary D. and Elizabeth Silverthorne. First Ladies of Texas: The First One Hundred Years, 1836-1936. Belton, Texas: Stillhouse Hollow, 1976.
- Flynn, Jean. Texas Women Who Dared to be First. Austin: Eakin Press, 1999.
- Ford, Ramona L. "'Why Spend Time on Women Grinding Corn?' Mainstreaming Women's History: A Texas Perspective," Texas Journal of Ideas, History and Culture (Spring/Summer, 1990).
- Furman, Nicah S. "Texas Woman vs. the Texas Myth." In Ben Procter and Archie McDonald, eds. The Texas Heritage. St. Louis: Forum, 1980.
- Jackson, Pearl Cashell. Texas Governors' Wives. Austin: E.L. Steck, 1915.
- Jones, Nancy Baker, “Making Texas Our Texas: The Emergence of Texas Women’s History, 1976-1990,” Southwestern Historical Quarterly (October, 2017).
- Jones, Nancy Baker. "Ruthe Winegarten." In Patrick L. Cox and Kenneth E. Hendrickson Jr., eds. Writing the Story of Texas. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2013.
- Lasher, Patricia. Texas Women: Interviews and Images. Austin: Shoal Creek Publishers, 1980.
- Malone, Ann Patton. "Women in Texas History." In Light T. Cummins and Alvin R. Bailey, Jr., eds. A Guide to the History of Texas. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1988.
- Maret, Elizabeth. Women of the Range: Women's Roles in the Texas Beef Cattle Industry. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1993.
- McArthur, Judith and Harold L. Smith. Texas Through Women's Eyes: The Twentieth-Century Experience. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2010.
- Moreland, Sinclair. Texas Women's Hall of Fame. Austin: Biographical Press, 1917.
- Noggle, Anne. For God, Country, and the Thrill of it: Women Airforce Service Pilots in World War II. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1990.
- Pickrell, Annie Doom. Pioneer Women of Texas. Austin, E.L. Steck, 1929. Reprinted, Austin: State House Press, 1991.
- Rogers, Mary Beth. Texas Women, A Celebration of History. Austin: Texas Foundation for Women's Resources, 1981, 1986.
- Rogers, Mary Beth, Sherry A. Smith, and Janelle D. Scott. We Can Fly, Stories of Katherine Stinson and Other Gutsy Texas Women. Austin: E.C. Temple, Texas Foundation for Women's Resources, 1983.
- Ruff, Ann and Gail Drago. Outlaws in Petticoats and Other Notorious Texas Women. Plano: Republic of Texas Press, 1995.
- Scheer, Mary L., ed. Women and the Texas Revolution. Denton: University of North Texas Press, 2012.
- Seligman, Claudie Dee. Texas Women: Legends in Their Own Time. Dallas: Hendrick-Long, 1989.
- Sherrod, Katie, ed. Grace & Gumption: Stories of Fort Worth Women. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, 2007.
- Silverthorne, Elizabeth and Geneva Fulgham. Women Pioneers in Texas Medicine. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1997.
- Swain, Martha. "The Public Role of Southern Women." In Jo Anne V. Hawks and Shelia L. Skemp, eds. Sex, Race, and the Role of Women in the South. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1983.
- Turner, Elizabeth Hayes, Stephanie Cole, and Rebecca Sharpless, eds. Texas Women: Their Histories, Their Lives. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2015.
- Weiner, Hollace Ava. Jewish "Junior League": The Rise and Demise of the Fort Worth Council of Jewish Women. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2008.
- Wheeler, Marjorie Spruill, ed. One Woman, One Vote. Troutdale, Oregon: New Sage Press, 1995.
- Willett, Donald and Stephen Curley, eds. Invisible Texans: Women and Minorities in Texas History. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005.
- Winegarten, Ruthe (with Cathy Schechter). Deep in the Heart: The Lives and Legends of Texas Jews. Austin: Eakin Press, 1990.
- ______. Governor Ann Richards & Other Texas Women: From Indians to Astronauts. Austin: Eakin Press, 1993.
- ______ and Frieda Werden. "Women in Texas History," Texas Almanac and State Industrial Guide 1986-1987 (1985).
- Wooten, Mattie Lloyd. "The Status of Women in Texas." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Texas, 1941.
- Worthy Mothers of Texas. Belton: Texas Mothers Committee, 1976.
European American Women
- Allen, Raye Virginia. Gordon Conway: Fashioning a New Woman. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1997.
- Armstrong, Fannie L., ed. To the Noon Rest: The Life, Work, and Addresses of Mrs. Helen M. Stoddard. Butler, IN: L. H. Higley, 1909.
- Bernhard, Virginia. Ima Hogg: The Governor's Daughter. Austin: Texas Monthly Press, 1984. Reprinted, Denton: Texas State Historical Association, 2011.
- Burns, Mamie Sypert. This I Can Leave You: A Woman's Days on the Pitchfork Ranch. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1986.
- Busby, Mark and Dick Heaberlin, eds. From Texas to the World and Back: Essays on the Journeys of Katherine Anne Porter. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, 2001.
- Butterfield, Jack C. Clara Driscoll Rescued the Alamo: A Brief Biography. Austin: Daughters of the Republic of Texas, 1961.
- Cayleff, Susan E. Babe: The Life and Legend of Babe Didrikson Zaharias. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1995.
- Chambers, Clint E. "Dora Lynne Stokes: A West Texan's legacy to the Humanitarian-Idealism of the 1950s and 1960s," West Texas Historical Association Yearbook (1995).
- Cheeseman, Bruce S. ed. Maria von Blucher's Corpus Christi: Letters from the South Texas Frontier, 1849-1879. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2002.
- Coleman, Suzanne. "The Politics of Participation: The Emergent Journey of Frances Farenthold." M.A. thesis, University of Texas at Arlington, 1973.
- Cottrell, Debbie Mauldin. Pioneer Woman Educator: The Progressive Spirit of Annie Webb Blanton. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1993.
- Crawford, Ann Fears. Frankie: Mrs. R. D. Randolph and Texas Liberal Politics. Austin: Eakin Press, 2000.
- Cummins, Light T. Emily Austin of Texas. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, 2009.
- ______. Allie Victoria Tennant and the Visual Arts in Dallas. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2015 (Women in Texas History Series).
- Cutrer, Emily. The Art of the Woman: The Life and Work of Elisabet Ney. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1988.
- Draper, Mabel and W. R. Draper. The Blood-Soaked Career of Bonnie Parker. Girard, Kans.: Haldeman-Julius Publications, 1946.
- Dumont, Ella Elgar Bird. Autobiography. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1988.
- Flatau, Susie Kelly. "Texas Women: Their Work, Their Worth: Profiles of Cindy Wiegand, Lou Halsell Rodenberger, and Ruthe Winegarten." Sound Historian (2009).
- Friedman, Myra. Buried Alive: The Biography of Janis Joplin. New York: William Morrow & Co., 1973.
- Hall, Jacquelyn Dowd. Revolt Against Chivalry: Jessie Daniel Ames and the Women's Campaign Against Lynching. New York: Columbia University Press, 1979.
- Harris, Walter Lawrence. "The Life of Margie E. Neal." M.A. thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1955.
- ______. "Margie E. Neal: First Woman Senator in Texas." East Texas Historical Journal (Spring, 1973).
- Henton, Moses. "Miss Margie Neal: A First for the Texas Senate." Texas Historian (May, 1985).
- Holland, Ada Morehead. Brush Country Woman. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1989.
- Hudson, Linda S. Mistress of Manifest Destiny: A Biography of Jane McManus Storm Cazneau, 1807-1878. Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 2001.
- Humphrey, Janet G. A Texas Suffragist: Diaries and Writings of Jane Y. McCallum. Austin: Ellen C. Temple, 1988. Reprinted: College Station: Texas A&M University Press (Ellen C. Temple Classics Collection), 2015.
- Hunt, Sylvia. "'Throw Aside the Veil of Helplessness': A Southern Feminist at the 1893 World's Fair," Southwestern Historical Quarterly (July, 1996).
- Iscoe, Louise Kosches. Ima Hogg: First Lady of Texas, Reminiscences and Recollections of Family and Friends. Austin: Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, 1976.
- Ivy, James D. "'The Lone Star State Surrenders to a Lone Woman': Frances Willard's Forgotten 1882 Texas Temperance Tour," Southwestern Historical Quarterly (July, 1998).
- Jackson, Sarah Ragland. Texas Woman of Letters, Karle Wilson Baker. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2005.
- Kattner, Lauren Ann. "Growing up Female in New Braunfels: Social and Cultural Adaptation in a German-Texan Town," Journal of American Ethnic History (Spring, 1990).
- King, C. Richard. Victorian Lady on the Texas Frontieer: The Journal of Ann Raney Coleman. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1971.
- ______. The Lady Cannoneer: A Biography of Angelina Belle Peyton Eberly, Heroine of the Texas Archives War. Burnet, Tex.: Eakin Press, 1981.
- King, Kelley R. Call Her a Citizen: Progressive-Era Activist and Educator Anna Pennybacker. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2010.
- Kirkland, Kate S. "A Wholesome Life: Ima Hogg's Vision for Mental Health Care," Southwestern Historical Quarterly (January, 2001).
- Knarr, Mary Fehler. "Faith, Frauen, and the Formation of an Ethnic Identity: German Lutheran Women in South and Central Texas, 1831-1890." Ph.D. dissertation, Texas Christian University, 2009.
- Koch, Etta (with June Cooper Price). Lizards on the Mantel, Burros at the Door: A Big Bend Memoir. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1999.
- LaForte, Robert and Richard Himmel. "Sarah T. Hughes, John F. Kennedy, and the Johnson Inaugural, 1963." East Texas Historical Journal (1989).
- Lea, Tom. Maud Durlin Sullivan, 1872-1944, Pioneer Southwestern Librarian. El Paso: Carl Hertzog, 1962.
- Loggins, Vernon. “Elisabet Ney at Liendo Plantation,” Southwest Review (Autumn 1946)
- Machann, Clinton and Bedford Clark, eds. Katherine Anne Porter and Texas: An Uneasy Relationship. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1990.
- Marks, Paula Mitchell. Turn Your Eyes Toward Texas: Pioneers Sam and Mary Maverick. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1989.
- Maverick, Mary. Memoirs. Rena Maverick Green, ed. San Antonio: Alamo Printing, 1921. Reprinted, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989.
- McArthur, Judith and Harold L. Smith. Minnie Fisher Cunningham: A Suffragist's Life in Politics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.
- McElhaney, Jacquelyn Masur. Pauline Periwinkle and Progressive Reform in Dallas. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1998.
- McLemore, Laura Lyons, Adele Briscoe Looscan: Daughter of the Republic. Fort Worth: TCU Press, 2016.
- _____. "Save the Babies: Blanche Greenburg and the Milk Stations," Legacies: A History Journal for Dallas and North Central Texas (2001).
- Menger, Johnowene Brackenridge. "M. Eleanor Brackenridge, 1837-1924, A Third Generation Advocate of Education." M.A. thesis, Trinity University, 1964.
- Myres, Sandra L. ed. Cavalry Wife: The Diary of Eveline M. Alexander, 1866–1867. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1977.
- Nalle, Ovida Wallace. The Fergusons of Texas, or "Two Governors for the Price of One." San Antonio: Naylor Co., 1946.
- Paterson, Judith. Be Somebody: A Biography of Marguerite Rawalt. Austin: Eakin Press, 1986.
- Paulissen, May Nelson and Carl McQueary. Miriam: The Southern Belle Who Became the First Woman Governor of Texas. Austin: Eakin Press, 1995.
- Payne, Darwin. Indomitable Sarah: The Life of Judge Sarah T. Hughes. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 2004.
- Polan, Glenn K. "Minnie Fisher Cunningham." M.A. thesis, Sam Houston State University, 1968.
- Raggio, Louise. Texas Tornado: The Life of a Crusader for Women's Rights. New York: Citadel Press, 2003.
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Labor, Work
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Politics, Reform, Law, Women's Rights
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Ranch, Rural
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