Archives (Primary Sources)
Note: The following list is meant to serve as a guide for researchers, and not a comprehensive listing of sources.

- Texas Woman's University Women's Collection
- Includes papers of Texas Federation of Women's Clubs, the Texas Association of Women's Clubs (African American women), the Women Airforce Service Pilots of World War II and the Texas Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women. Material relating to African American women in Texas, and Texas women in education, aviation, health sciences, athletics, politics, and the writing profession. Personal papers include those of Sarah Weddington.
- Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin
- Primary materials on a number of topics in Texas women's history, including education, politics, women's clubs, labor unions, and African American women. Includes papers of historian and women's activist Ruthe Winegarten, Governor Ann Richards, suffragist and Secretary of State Jane Y. McCallum, journalist Molly Ivins.
- University of Texas at San Antonio Archives for Research on Women and Gender
- Personal papers of prominent women, primarily from the San Antonio area, including Laura Burleson Negley, the first woman to represent San Antonio in the state legislature and Rosita Fernández, a pioneer in Tejana music. Also includes records of several women's organizations, including the San Antonio Woman's Club, Church Women United, Planned Parenthood, and San Antonio Jewish women's organizations from 1936 to 1970, in the Bella Glasberg papers.
- University of Houston Libraries Women's Archives
- Includes the papers of many Houston women's organizations as well as the personal papers of prominent Houston area women such as suffrage leader Minnie Fisher Cunningham and Houston mayor Kathy Whitmire. Records of Houston Area Women's Center and materials relating to the National Women's Year Conference, held in Houston in 1977; also information on Hispanic women's leadership and UH Women's Studies.
- Texas Southern University Library Special Collections
- Includes papers of Barbara Jordan and the Houston League of Business and Professional Women.
- Rice University Fondren Library
- Personal papers, speeches, and videos of Oveta Culp Hobby, businesswoman, and military and political leader. Within other collections are letters of the wives of Union and Confederate soldiers. Also papers of Rice women alumni of achievement, such as Ruth Young McGonigle, the first woman graduate from Rice Institute's School of Architecture.
- Prairie View A&M University
- Includes papers of Wilhemina Delco, advocate for education and the first African American elected to the Texas House of Representatives from Travis County.
- Southern Methodist University Archives of Women in the Southwest, DeGolyer Library
- Papers of women leaders with emphasis on Dallas and North Texas, such as leaders of social and political reform movements; outstanding women in the professions, the arts, and voluntary service; families and women in private life; records of women's organizations; and oral history interviews. Letters, diaries, speeches, photographs, scrapbooks, periodicals, and other print, audio and video materials.
- Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi
- Papers of Dr. Clotilde P. Garcia, physician, community advocate, and promoter of Hispanic history and genealogy.
- Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, Texas Tech University Libraries
- Papers of many individual women and women's organizations in Panhandle history, including Hermine Dalkowitz Tobolowsky, "Mother of the Texas ERA"; Amy Freeman Lee, humanitarian and author; and the records of the League of Women Voters of Texas, the successor organization to the Texas Equal Suffrage Association. Photographic collection related to Texas women and bibliography of published works on Texas women's history.
- Catholic Archives of Texas
- Information and photographs of women in the Religious Orders Collection.
- Southwestern University, Smith Library Center
- Special Collections holds the papers of suffragist, anti-lynching activist and businessperson Jessie Daniel Ames.
- Gulf Coast Archive and Museum of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender History
- Historical items from this community in the Texas Gulf Coast area.
- Austin History Center, City of Austin
- Biographical information on noteworthy women from Austin and Travis County. Photos, documents, flyers from Texas Equal Suffrage Association campaign. See online exhibit
- Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Library
- Papers of individual women, such as suffrage leader Minnie Fisher Cunningham, artist and museum founder Emma Richardson Cherry, and civil rights activist Christia Adair, as well as the records of the City Federation of Women's Clubs and Women's Clubs of Houston.
- Dallas Public Library
- Papers of Dallas City Councilwomen Juanita Craft and Anita MartÃnez, theater director Margo Jones, and the John and Ethelyn Chisum collection about life at Prairie View A&M University, 1900-1920. Among its holdings are the records of the Business and Professional Women of Dallas, the Dallas Federation of Women's Clubs, and the Dallas League of Women Voters.
- Museum of Fine Arts Houston Archives
- A manuscript collection of Ima Hogg and papers of the Houston Art League and its women founders.