Photos on the Home Page

With the digitization of collections, many photographs of Texas women are now available. Our cover represents just a small glimpse into the lives of the women of Texas. From time-to-time, our photos will change, so please check back. If you have a photo you’d like to see featured, contact us.

Ann Richards

Ann Richards sits on a bench with a man to her right and several women to her left.  Ann Richards, Liberty County Courthouse, 1990, photo by Ave Bonar. “I had the unique opportunity to photograph Ann Richards’ first campaign for governor. This is one of my favorites. It was taken on one of her many tours of East Texas. I don’t remember why we stopped at the Liberty County Courthouse, but we did. She seemed to be as comfortable with the folks she met there as she was with herself. She was sure enjoying his story!” Ave Bonar is a freelance photographer living in Austin. More of her Ann Richards photos were published in With Ann: A Journey Across Texas with a Candidate for Governor (1991).


Martin Luther King Jr. Demonstration

Women holding hands; Martin Luther King Jr. Demonstration, April 4, 1968. [AS-68-59915-005] Photo by Ed Malcik, From Taking it to the Streets: A Visual History of Protest and Demonstration in Austin, Austin History Center, Austin Public Library.


Barbara Jordan

Barbara Jordan at the podium. Photo from “Barbara Jordan’s Enduring Legacy”, undated photo by Penn State University.


Bickler family

Photograph of six women of the Bickler family seated on a bench or fence and knitting, 1919. Handwritten note on the back reads “I asked for a smile and see what I got.” Photographer unknown. Out of the Bickler Collection, Austin History Center, Austin Public Library. Accessed via The Portal to Texas History.


Old Maids Day

Photograph of women seated in the audience at an event for Old Maids Day in Denton, Texas. 1951, photographer unknown. This photograph is part of the collection entitled: University Photography Collection and was provided by UNT Libraries Special Collections to The Portal to Texas History, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries.


Photo of Estella, Francis and Bertha

Three women titled “Photo of Estella, Francis and Bertha in Galveston, 1940s. Photographer unknown. This photograph is part of the collection entitled: Texas Cultures Online and one other and was provided by Houston Metropolitan Research Center at Houston Public Library to The Portal to Texas History, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries.


North Texas State Teachers' College

Photograph of a group of women playing softball in a physical education class at North Texas State Teachers' College. One woman prepares to hit the ball, while another woman prepares to catch it. 1942, photographer unknown. This photograph is part of the collection entitled: University Photography Collection and was provided by UNT Libraries Special Collections to The Portal to Texas History, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries.


March on Austin

The Women’s March on Austin swelled around the Capitol grounds Saturday January 21, 2017. Photo: Mike Holp/